Allplayer 2015
Allplayer 2015

ALLPlayer is the first player in the world that enables “IQ Textâ€‌ function, which analyzes the length of the displayed subtitles so that it would be displayed long enough for you to be able to read everything. controls that are the most usable so far among many media players.

allplayer 2015

ALLPlayer lets you customize everything pretty easily – note the volume/contrast/etc. As I see it, odds are 50-50.ALLPlayer is an easy to use free media player that can play multiple video and audio formats, features intelligent Subtitles, is lightweight etc etc. It could pick up and it could wither before the season's over. I think I'll watch another episode and see how it develops. Just really annoying and not watchable when you suffer from above mentioned ailments (I got all 4, ain't I a lucky girl!) There are some interesting things in it though, like what Kane discovers about his deceased wife. It's done a lot in movies and series, I suppose it's goes down well with many, but what's the point during an action scene? There is none. I think it's rather inconsiderate to not think of people with head injuries, epilepsy, whiplash and HSPs (Highly Sensitive Person) that cannot watch such scenes. I was afraid of that, having scene it in the trailer. I'm not keen on the flashing during action scenes.

allplayer 2015

Seriously not sure if Philip Winchester made a wise choice with this, and surely he must have had lots of options after doing an excellent job on a great series like Strike Back. So far I like Winchester's acting best, although the American accent is odd. Snipes' hair is ridiculous, I think he should've paid heed when Ace Ventura said "No one messes with the do!" But I suppose they wanted it in style with the over the top comic-book style (that I really truly hate!). At some point I almost expected the Joker to turn up. I don't like their acting much either, because it's so comic- book like. The Wesley Snipes and the girl character are too comic book like for my taste.

allplayer 2015

It was fast paced, up to the point that I still find myself thinking "How is it they work out who's gonna commit a crime?" It does indeed remind of Person of Interest.

allplayer 2015

Only one episode, so not much to go by, and I'm not quite sure what to think of it.

Allplayer 2015